
Een avondje samen in het cachot schept een band. In canon liederen zingen met de naburige cel, lachen met de flikken en nieuwe boodschappen kerven op de muren van de aftandse kazerne, het zijn maar enkele van de vele activiteiten waarmee we de tijd doden terwijl we wachten om ‘verwerkt’ te worden door ons inefficiënte politionele systeem. Je celgenoten worden al snel kameraden, ook al heb je in het verdere leven weinig met elkaar gemeen. Je bent tenminste niet alleen.


Less Violent Action

This past year I started participating in so-called ‘nonviolent direct action’ (NVDA), specifically against the ongoing climate catastrophe. But while I think those type of actions are good and worthwhile and we should keep mobilizing people for them, I also started to have some doubts about how nonviolent activists think and talk about their tactics. I’ve become increasingly convinced that nonviolence is actually a misnomer.



For years I was a member of a philosophical-minded, freethinking student society in Ghent, called “T.S.G. ’t Zal Wel Gaan” (“T.S.G.” stands for “taalminnend studentengenootschap” or language-loving student society). It’s, as far as I know, the oldest of its kind in Belgium, founded in 1852. It has a long and turbulent history, but that’s a story for another time.

During a few years I was a member, I did the visual side of operations, designing the posters mainly. Here I’m sharing a few that I’ve managed not to lose.


Books of 2022 (non-fiction)

My yearly retrospective on the books I read, general impressions they left on me (if any of note). This post will go over the non-fiction works I’ve read and what I think about it in a line or two.